how did i get here


After the massive rain and a meeting at my studio yesterday, I felt inspired. This morning as I stepped outside, I was greeted by the most beautiful sight – the vibrant colors of fall in New England. The trees had burst into shades of red, orange, and yellow, and the air was crisp and refreshing.

Inspired by this breathtaking view, I grabbed my camera – my trusty Leica – and set out to capture the beauty of the season. I love shooting with my Leica because it’s the closest thing to film. It gives me the feeling of shooting with Velvia – a type of film that’s known for its rich colors and deep saturation.

So instead of driving to the winding roads of New Hampshire’s White Mountains, a place I always visit often to capture the fall colors. These days, the upper North Shore of Massachusetts is also a great spot for fall photography, so I decided to explore the area.

The drive was peaceful, and I was lost in thoughts as I took in the stunning scenery around me. When I returned home, I uploaded my photos and was thrilled with how they turned out. I picked two of my favorites to share with my Facebook audience and couldn’t wait for them to see the beauty of fall through my lens.

Satisfied and after doing tons of chores this past week, it is time for a Sunday nap.

All reactions:

36Mojgan Ehtemam, Samme Samareta and 34 others

beloved desert

#blog I am currently on The West Coast. Been here for over a month. Busy busy, literally busy with work and catching life on this coast. I wrote this blog while on the East Coast a few months ago.I’m giving these hashtags a shot simply to learn a few things about #meta #codingSystem.Around the end of May, 2023:Rainy day here.. And I live on an island so it gets very wet… And then suddenly I daydream about the desert..It came to my mind this very question… When was the last time you held somebody’s hand and lay in the grass, staring at the blue skies above, where the world is turning around just the two of you? And you become one! I’m not talking about a partner/lover only… It could be a friend, it could be your parents… It could be your child.. it could be anyone you love.And then I thought I should probably post a photo with blue sky. And then I said to myself it doesn’t matter.. it’s all about metaphor… It’s all about becoming one.. it’s all about when our heart beats as one together..The Joshua Tree IS huge in my heart… All of those Yucca plants, speak to me… literally.

Shot with Leica

art matters


“Do you think human creativity matters? Well, most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about poetry, right? They have a life to live and they’re really not that concerned with Allen Ginsberg’s poems or anyone’s poems—until, their father dies; they go to a funeral; someone breaks your heart. And all of a sudden you’re desperate for making sense out of this life. ‘Has anybody felt this bad before? How did they come out of this cloud?’ Or the inverse—something great. You meet somebody and your heart explodes—you love them so much you can’t even see straight. You’re dizzy. ‘Did anybody feel like this before? What is happening to me?’ And that’s when art’s not a luxury—it’s actually sustenance. We need it.”

beloved earth


To date, humans have created around 11 billion metric tons of plastic. 72% of the plastic we make ends up in landfills or the environment. Only 9% of the plastic ever produced has been recycled.

To make matters worse, plastic production is growing dramatically; in fact, half of all plastics in existence have been produced in just the last two decades.

I give you a little story! One time when I was in Bali I had to be towed out of a certain area to surf. Why you may ask? Because I suddenly ran into a massive amount of plastic where I was. Yes, in Bali. I almost drowned surfing because where I was towed was not my level of surfing. I never told my mother!!!

Do your part otherwise you won’t leave anything for the next generations, NADA!

I fully understand how difficult it is to stay away from plastic. But when you go shopping for vegetables please don’t put them in another plastic bag to separate them. And if you do reuse those plastic bags and take him back to the supermarket.

Make sure or at least try to see whatever you’re buying is the kind of plastic that can be recycled, I know it’s difficult but we have to fight these companies. Also sending out a quick email saying you didn’t buy the item because it’s wrapped in non-recyclable plastic can really make a difference ( this makes you a star ⭐).

Here’s a photo of our beautiful mother, the mother of all, Mother Nature.

Series : Nature’s epiphanies

( My newest series)

No photo description available.

All reactions:

7Samme Samareta, Nicole Radmand and 5 others

A spot, a space!

blog #tofeel

Let me explain where this photo was taken first!
I see this very scene almost three times a week right around the corner when I turn to go to my place in Boston on route 1!
It is actually where I stopped at the traffic light right before the turn.
I find such beauty in that very spot at the traffic light. I always look at it, and I imagine myself climbing that hill.
I have a feeling not everyone would look at it the way I look at it.. I am sure some people don’t find it as beautiful because it’s right in front of the bustling highway, route 1.
There’s always garbage on the ground, but the hill is magnificent and precise.
And I always buy some roses from those vendors around the corner.
Sometimes, when we look at something, we decide to see the beauty of it, and for me I have noticed I do this automatically. I do that with all my subjects.
Not just when I photograph something or the details in my work but also in my actual daily life. I guess this is when people say someone is negative or positive! It’s a bit of a cliche this whole negative and positive but apparently some people’s brains are just designed to see the beauty and others to see the negative.

I like to feel the space because it is essential and alive.

I am currently in Southern California, busy with family and some work.
But I ran into this photo thinking about every event coming up in my studio, very soon!

📸 Me